March 29, 2023 –
Dear Neighbors,
We know you are all anxiously awaiting updates surrounding the METRORapid University Corridor Project. Yesterday, members of the Eastwood Civic Association (ECA) Board met with a large team of METRO leadership, project staff and consultants. It was a productive meeting, and we are encouraged by the conversations. We clearly stated that the mandate from our community is a non-overpass solution and that the project must protect and enhance the neighborhood’s character as a vibrant, tree filled and walkable community. We left with a commitment from METRO to explore non-overpass alternatives and report their findings to us at our next meeting on Thursday. We look forward to continued conversations with METRO and the opportunity to further engage with you as we keep you up to date and continue to ask for your feedback.
Queridos vecinos,
Sabemos que están esperando ansiosamente las actualizaciones en torno al Proyecto del Corredor de la Universidad METRORapid. Ayer, miembros de la Junta de la Asociación Cívica de Eastwood (ECA) se reunieron con líderes, personal de proyecto y consultores de METRO. Fue una reunión productiva y nos animan las conversaciones. Afirmamos claramente que el mandato de nuestra comunidad es una solución sin paso elevado y que el proyecto debe proteger y mejorar el carácter del vecindario como una comunidad vibrante, llena de árboles y accesible para caminar. Nos fuimos con el compromiso de METRO de explorar alternativas que no sean de paso elevado e informarnos de sus hallazgos en nuestra próxima reunión del jueves. Esperamos continuar las conversaciones con METRO y la oportunidad de seguir interactuando con usted mientras lo mantenemos al día y seguimos pidiendo sus comentarios.
In addition to this update, we wanted to share an important letter from our friends at the East End District (EED) to METRO, issued just last night. Expressing their change in position, the EED is speaking out against an overpass on Lockwood Dr. We appreciate their support. You can read their letter here: East End District Submits Letter to METRO Regarding Proposed University Corridor BRT : East End District
Además de esta actualización, queríamos compartir una importante carta de nuestros amigos de East End District (EED) a METRO, emitida anoche. Expresando su cambio de posición, el EED se pronuncia en contra de un paso elevado en Lockwood Dr. Agradecemos su apoyo. Puede leer la carta aquí: East End District Submits Letter to METRO Regarding Proposed University Corridor BRT : East End District
Your feedback is still critical. Our committee members will continue to sit down with METRO and work to find solutions our community can support. We feel the immense pressure and responsibility to deliver for this community. To help us deliver, we need to understand where neighborhood sentiment stands on what compromises they could stand for. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and help us understand your priorities.
HAGA CLIC AQUÍEncuesta acerca del proyecto Metro BRT Para poder llevar a Metro un mensaje coherente con lo que nuestro vecindario quiere, necesitamos saber cuales son sus opiniones y en qué acuerdos nos podemos comprometer. Les pedimos por favor que llene la siguiente encuesta para poder llevar a Metro un mensaje claro y de acuerdo a las prioridades de nuestro vecindario. ¡Gracias!
- SHARE YOUR SKILLS – We recognize our community is rich in diverse skillsets and professional expertise, and we need your help now. SIGN UP HERE
- CLEAN UP THE ESPLANADE – we’ll have lots of eyes on it over the next week, if you’re able please spend some time showing it some love.
- KEEP LISTENING, TALKING AND SHARING – in particular if you have neighbors who aren’t on our mailing list share this email and tell them to sign up!
P.S. A few important links for you: If you missed and of this week’s meetings:
- You can rewatch the livestreams on our YouTube channel. Volunteers have worked hard to bookmark several parts of the meeting so you can jump ahead to specific questions or points. Many thanks to our neighbors at The Storyhive for streaming Tuesday night’s meeting.
- Media coverage on this includes Houston Chronicle Article, KHOU Report and HPR report and radio coverage.
- Tuesday, the Eastwood Civic Association published an updated letter clarifying our opposition to the current design, and outlining how most of seven conditions have yet to be met. You can read the letter here.